eco property, eco project, eco community, eco holidaysLOOKING FOR ECO VOLUNTEERS!! I am looking for people who would like to help me develop an ecological training centre with a difference: Eco Chateau. This will be more than an eco place, it will be a refuge where people can come and learn how to do really useful things to help them become self sufficient (build solar panels, run your car on water, hydroponics, permaculture, build a magnetic power generator, organic food growing), where we can exchange lots of ideas and put them into action, where we can act in solidarity and support of each other... a community of minds and hearts and a physical space to meet and act. MAIN ATTRACTIONS: you will receive FREE meals and lodging in a beautiful chateau you will have access to learning how to: make a car run on water, build solar panels, build a greenhouse, build a free energy magnetic generator, grow hydroponic vegetables
Please get in touch with Eco-Chateau from the Contact box on the right.