Vermagreen Organics - Organic Fertilizer, Soil Amendments, and Blended Soils SupplierVermagreen Organics produces organic fertilizer made from earthworm castings. Earthworm castings aid in managing soil moisture and temperature, add important micro-nutrients to soils, and help convert nutrition from the soil to plants by introducing beneficial microbes. Our pure product is packaged and sold for consumer, retail and commercial applications, and is also available as an ingredient to your unique blend. Commercial growers realize cost savings and increased production by using Vermagreen castings as an amendment to high tunnel operations and greenhouse blends. Specially blended soils and unique applications using earth worm castings is our specialty. Contact us with questions on ways we may be able to help you improve yields, reduce costs and reduce synthetic fertilizer use. Vermagreen Organics proudly uses 80 percent renewable energy to produce their pure earthworm castings.
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