Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics, Colonic Hygiene)Through our colon hydrotherapy practice, Athanor Hydrotherapy Center we offer personal colonic hygiene to Washingtonians choosing to incorporate the ancient health practice of colon hydrotherapy into their fitness regime. Our clients maintain their personal privacy and dignity during their colonic procedure while experiencing a positive health outcome to calm and balance the body and mind. We share suggestions with our clients for improved digestive health, the principles and benefits of a probiotic diet and offer a variety of educational workshops on health related topics. Healthy Muse School for Holistic Health Practices offers certification training in the profession of colon hydrotherapy. Our training curriculum is based on established International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) standards at the foundation, intermediate, advanced and instructor levels of training.
Please get in touch with Caroline Alexander from the Contact box on the right.