Healing Mind, Body, Spirit through God's Natural Healing WayNatural healing through homeopathy, naturopathy, nutrition, herbs, and/or nutritionals. Because we utilize non-intrusive means, we can work with you by mail, internet, and/or by telephone. Specializing in Chronic Degenerative Conditions and female conditions. We utilize our HealthChek Questionnaire and PVF evaluation. We are a healing Ministry and base our methodology upon the Holy Bible. Dr. Tillman is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD), Doctor of Naturopathy (ND), and has a degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH). We believe God did not put us here and not provide a way for us to heal ourselves. We have local clients and those whom we have never met.
Please get in touch with God's Natural Healing Way Ministries, Inc. from the Contact box on the right.