Electronic Cigarette a Lifestyle Eco Friendly Product available here.e liquid, electronic cigarette, electric cigarette, e cigarette, e-cigarette, ecigarette, e cig, e-cig, ecig, all are used to describe a green product that will eventually rid the world of harmful tobacco products that are the #1 cause of personal air pollution. The vapor emitted by an ecig contains 99% water and 1% food additive for flavoring. If the filter contains nicotine, then a minute part of the 1% may contain harmless nicotine. Tobacco products are the #1 source of building and forest fires. By smokers switching to the electronic cigarette these fires and the pollution they cause can be eliminated. The ecigarette is a green product that actually will save the user a lot of money. You can use an electronic cigarette for less than $1 a pack. Non smokers should thank any smoker they see using an ecig for their effort to cut down on their pollution. Written by SmokerJack on twitter.
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