A Full Service Analytical LaboratoryNutritional Analyses,Proximate Analyses, Amino Acids, Vitamins Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners, Preservatives, Acids and Alcohol, MISCELLANEOUS ANALYSES, Analysis of Herbal Products & Nutritional Supplements, Fats and Oils, Meat, Poultry and Fish, MICA Meat Drilling, Element Analyses: Minerals and Trace Metals, Microbiological Analyses, Analyses to Satisfy FDA Import, Detention, Specialty Analyses, Pesticide, Herbicide and Fungicide Residues (MRA), ANALYSIS OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES TO SATISFY FDA IMPORT, DETENTION, Hazardous Waste / Environmental Analyses, USP 24 / NF 18 and FCC IV, Food Chemicals Codex
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