All Natural Beef-No Antibiotics; No Steroids; No GMO's; No Pesticides,Herbicides or InsecticidesA field to food farming operation selling all-natural beef in our own market. Hours are 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays or by appointment. Our cattle are 92% lean and taste good! Food you can eat without guilt! Our cattle are all bred and born on the farm, raised on the farm and are fed foods grown and mixed on our farms. No pesticides, herbicides or insecticides on our 640 acres of farm/pasture land, and no antibiotics or steroids in the feed or injected into the animals. Our animals are raised humanely, treated humanely and slaughtered humanely at a local USDA inspected processor. Come visit us and give our beef a try!
Please get in touch with Chapel-Ridge Meat & Mercantile, Inc. from the Contact box on the right.
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Natural Hormone Free Meat |
Here at Chapel Ridge Farms, we are a family farming operation and we are located in Southern Adams County in South Central Pennsylvania. ... more »