Green Planet Catering

Green Planet Catering info, products & news

Full service green catering company in the triangle areaGreen Planet Catering is a locally owned and operated business in the triangle area of NC. With over 60 years combined experience in the food service industry, we take pride in buying locally grown organic foods, hormone and antibiotic free beef and poultry, recycling, donating to food banks, using biodegradable and compostable products, and running our vehicles on vegetable oil.  Giving back to the community and taking care of the planet are the cornerstones of our business. Going green is not just a trend, but a necessary way of life in the 21st century.  Whether you are interested in a wedding or rehearsal dinner, corporate lunch, dinner or party, or having a special birthday or anniversary party, let Green Planet make the difference in your event. Not only will the food be great, but you will be helping to save the planet!

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