Pike Valley Farm-Certified Organic Pastured meats and eggsWe are a Certified Organic pastured, sustainable farm in Garrard County Kentucky. We raise Certified Organic heritage breed beef (Belted Galloway), pork (Glaucestershire Old Spot), layers (Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Barred Rock, and Austrolorp), and organic turkeys and broilers. We also offer All-Natural alternatives to the pork and broilers, using a natural feed and lowering the cost to the consumer. All animals are raised on Certified Organic pasture and live in fresh air, sunshine and on pasture. Our broilers are moved each morning to fresh pasture. The cattle, layers and turkeys are also rotated to fresh pasture frequently if not daily. We use rotational grazing and intensive management grazing to maximize health of each animal and benefit for the land. We are also applying for a Animal Welfare Approved certification. Please visit our farm page for availability and prices.
Please get in touch with Pike Valley Farm from the Contact box on the right.