Certified Organic Tempeh

Certified Organic Tempeh Product details

Certified Organic Tempeh Product by:
Turtle Island Foods, Inc.

One of our most popular Vegan and vegetarian products here at Turtle Island Foods is Traditional Tempeh.

Tempeh is a cultured cake made of beans and grains. It has been a staple food in Indonesia and Japan for centuries. 

It is made by cooking and dehulling grains, then inoculating them with a culture called rhizopus oligosporus. The result will then be incubated overnight at the tropical temperature of 88 degrees Fahrenheit. During this time the beans or grains are covered with a thick, white mat of mycelia that binds them together into a solid cake.

The next day, our tempeh will be harvested because it is at the peak of its flavor - that is, before the dark spots of sporulation appear. It is then steamed to make it ready to eat and packaged for shipping.

Like many fermented products, it is both delicious delicious and great for digestion. Tempeh contains antioxidants, isoflavones, saponins, fiber and is very high in protein

It is great for digestion and boosts the immune system.

All of our tempeh here at Turtle Island Foods are made from 100% organic soy and organic five-grain tempeh are gluten-free. 

Please use the Contact form on the right for Certified Organic Tempeh information and ordering.

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