Co-op Farmers Organic Market

Co-op Farmers Organic Market Product details

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Newark Natural Foods Co-op

Co-op Farmers Organic Market is sponsored by area farmers and the Newark Natural Foods Cooperative.

The market meets every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the front parking lot of Newark Natural Foods.

The season turns from the first Sunday in May to mid-fall every year.

At the Market, you will be capable to shop for local foods and handcrafted goods.
Talk about food with real farmers who grow it. See many friends and make new friends there.

It is one of the most popular places in Newark on Sunday. Enjoys and have fun with live Entertainment by local musicians.

Their mission is  to provide  the prospect for the Newark Community to come together and enjoy shopping for a range of locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants harvested sustainably with natural and organic farming methods, baked goods, prepared foods, art, handicrafts, and other locally produced items.

Stop by on Sunday and meet their vendors.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Co-op Farmers Organic Market information and ordering.

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