How can we empower ourselves to live in alignment with our highest, utmost positive intentions?
As we refine our intentions and focus on being the positive change we wish to see in the world, how can we overcome the predictable obstacles that stand in the way of living a soul centered path?
Deeping Your Practice, living Your Intention Green Workshop by Sarah Garney will utilize a guided process and deep Meditation to get clear on our intentions and inspirations for ourselves, our families and community and our planet.
Sarah Garney is a Resonance Repatterning practitioner, bhakti yogi, an excellent workshop leader and spiritual activist.
Her authentic and heart-centered sessions empower individuals to become more fully aligned with their highest path and share their unique gifts with the world.
At Deeping Your Practice, living Your Intention Green Workshop, we will also learn tools and do energy processes to clear blocks and get aligned with commitment, creativity and being true to ourselves and our soul purposes.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Deeping Your Practice, living Your Intention Green Workshop information and ordering.
Green Education – Green Events – Green Workshops – Healthy Lifestyle – Meditation