Here at African Market Baskets, we are a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation.
We strive to be known for our three goals - Quality, Value, and Integrity. We're a fair trade business and have been for ever 25 years. Our business strategy is based on the components of dialogue, transparency and respect.
As a Fair Trade Organisation, we like to ensure that all our weavers are satisfied with their working conditions and their pay. We believe that comfortable working conditions and fair wages is essential to our business and our products. This is because without these two things, the quality of our products will decrease.
When it comes to prices, they are negotiated by first asking what the artisans want to charge for a particular item. If what they ask for is workable, then we are always happy to accept. If the price is too high, then we will explain what price we can pay and asks if the weaver can produce it for that price and still make a profit.
We regularly pays much of the money in advance of receiving goods because this helps our weavers with cash flow. We believe that this is the best to make sure they are happy with the final price.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Fair Trade Baskets information and ordering.