Foods for a Kidney Detox

Foods for a Kidney Detox Product details

Foods for a Kidney Detox Product by:
Harmony Health Counseling

Here at Harmony Health Counselling, we know that our kidneys are two of the hardest working organs in our bodies. 

They filter about 200 quarts of blood every day - removing up to two quarts of excess water and waste from our bodies on a daily rate. They are also essential to our health as they help support safe blood pressure, bone health and one making new red blood cells. 

We recommend going on a kidney Detox every now and then to help purge bacteria from our bodies. In fact, it's very easy - all you need to do is to incorporate some kidney-friendly foods into your diet. Here are our top three.

Our first one is the humble Apple. They contain lots of antioxidants that support heart health by battling bad cholesterol and inflammation. They also support kidney health as well, as inflammation is usually caused by poor kidney function.

Watermelon is another great kidney detox food. In fact, watermelon contains 92% water and this high water content makes it a great choice for your spring kidney detox, as kidney health depends on water.

Broccoli and Cauliflower are also great choices as well. They are both very high in glucosinolates which aid kidneys in their work. Both of these veggies add variety to your diet while packing a nutritional punch.

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