Here at M'Organic Meadows Meats and Poultry, we are an non certified organic grass based family farm, famous for our delicious and sustainability raised eggs and poultry.
Currently, we have a variety of laying hens - each producing different colours and and sizes of eggs. We have Black Australorps, Ameracauna, Rhode Island Red, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barnevelders, Mottled Java, Welsummers, Cuckoo Marans, Barred Rock, Buff Minorca, a couple sex links and a few frizzle bantams.
Here we don't sell small eggs or even dirty ones - all our Organic Eggs are of top quality when it comes to nutritional levels, appearance and freshness.
Our chickens are free range and they eat our certified organic pasture, bugs, dirt, rocks, worms, slugs, frogs, moths and supplemental feed.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Free Range Organic Eggs information and ordering.