Home Energy Saving Tips

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Home Energy Saving Tips Product by:
Green Living Solutions

Here at Green Living Solutions we have a few tips to share for those who are looking to save on their Energy bills around their house.

The first tip is to use an automatic thermostat to coordinate indoor climates with your family’s daily and weekly patterns. Keep thermostat at energy efficient and comfortable setting during the day and turn the heat down at night. This saves @ 1% for every degree of night setback. Raise your thermostat during the summer. 

Another great tip is to clean or replace filters monthly, or as needed. Heating and cooling accounts for about 50% of the average family's energy bill. Maintain your equipment with a professional tune-up annually. Remember, dirty filters can greatly affect the heating and cooling ability of your equipment and waste valuable energy and fuel. 

We also recommend setting your water heater temperature lower to 120 degrees. Heating your water tank takes up 15% of your entire home energy usage. More importantly, 40% to 60% of that is lost as standby heat loss, when not in use. Wrap your tank with an insulation blanket, available at any home center. When your existing tank reaches its end of life (usually between 7-10 years) replace it with a tankless (on-demand) system, which is much more efficient. 

Another great tip is to turn off everything when not in use! That includes Lights, TVs, computers, etc. You could also unplug devices or put on a Smart Strip and turn it off. 7-11% of home electricity is wasted on equipment which is plugged in and not in use.

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