Liquid Waste Extractor

Liquid Waste Extractor Product details

Liquid Waste Extractor Product by:
GreenSpark Energy Solutions

At GreenSpark, we provide top energy efficiency technology solutions for all industries and buildings in North America. Our current favourite is the Liquid Waste Extractor that can be used even for your whole apartment complex. 

In the last year, we completed projects for several million square feet of buildings. We have the best project services from - facility evaluations / audits, vendor selection, hardware sales, training and financing. 

Our Liquid Waste Extractor brings Recycling to a whole new level. It is ideal for - Hotels, Cafeterias, Supermarkets, Restaurants, and any other sites that generates more than 500 pounds of food waste each day. Our machine can handle up to 500 pounds per hour of food waste. 

The result of the processed and Recycled waste is ideal for many things - composting, animal feed, or bio-fuel feedstock.

So how much can you save? We estimate that you will save from 50% to 90% in waste by Volume & Weight - given that it's used correctly. 

There are so many benefits around this. It not only reduces waste and hauling costs and waste handling work flow. It also helps prevent odors, leaks and has a payback time of 18-36 months.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Liquid Waste Extractor information and ordering.

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