Solar Garden Roof

Solar Garden Roof Product details

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At Green Roof Service, we give you - Green Roof Technology. 

We are a firm committed to creating a more sustainable urban environment. We are 100% dedicated to the essential green engineering principal of form and function - all done by utilizing our God given common sense.  

When it comes it roofing - our favourite at the moment is our Solar Garden Roof. 

In summer the low growing blanket of green roof plants act like small air conditioners for any heat sensitive Solar Power systems and elements. At the same time, these roof plants will help retain more than half of the annual rainfall. This means it will not go into our already stressed waterways.

Compared to most modern roof systems like gravel roofs, reflective roofs, black tar roofs or metal roofs, the cooling effect of this modern green roof technology is much more advanced. This is because the water stored in the plant efficiently cools by evaporation. Hence, the roof top Solar Energy systems produce more reliable power high temperatures. 

Another good thing about Green roofs is that they also reduce air born pollutants and dust. Less dirt on the photovoltaic panels = better performance and less maintenance.

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